Friday, June 8, 2012

Sweet Peas and other Delights ~

Bella resting during a BIG party May 2012.

The backyard ready for a party 2013.

JD Lechler

 Sweet Lechler faces.
Johnna greeting Andy at Disney World.

Thanksgiving at the beach house 2012.

My husband and his brother at Christmas.

Nate as a senior.

Summer treats.

A thank you bouquet for me from Tony and Connor for hosting the graduation party 2013.

Johnna Lechler
David Lechler


JD Lechler

Andy and my wedding with my father~1959
 Christmas in New Orleans 2012
 Matt, Mike and Nate in New Orleans

 A graduation party 2010.
 Chee and Tom, Easter 2013
Card game Easter 2013

Mother's Day flowers 2012

Michael, Daniel and Andrew


The Little Sisters of Pain: Kathy, Pam, Chee.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...