Monday, November 16, 2020

Cleaning up the mess and making do

 Fresh hell continues with a bad wind storm yesterday with the result of our having to shuffle blindly through the house because the electricity went off.  I think it pained me more because it was during my best tv show night...the only good tv so far this season on public television.  I enjoy Poldark especially. I did get to see the last half hour of it since the electricity came back on but this morning I find candle wax all over the house. There is an especially bad spot on the kitchen floor and bending is a bit of a problem for both of us. I used really drippy candles it seems in several rooms, so we will be working on that throughout the day.  It could have been worse, that's for sure, so I should count my blessings.

I've started on the fridge today.  I had several make-ahead dishes to complete and now that our Thanksgiving table has shrunk to eight from 18, we will be eating well for several days. Well, I have a feeling it is going to get worse with the next announcement from our governor.

So, I am going to complete and freeze this slow cooker corn dish as a side for Thanksgiving.  I've made it for the occasion before and it turned out that people really liked it.  It has ricotta cheese in it. While I am not a fan of ricotta cheese, it works beautifully in this particular dish.

Yesterday's storm did not whip all the leaves off our trees, but it gave it a good try. Today is lovely so far. (I should not write this for fear the other shoe will drop...2020 is still here.)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...