Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Midnight buffet under the stars

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Fall harvest and items for the midnight buffet center piece.

Well, it won't be a big buffet, but we are ending the summer Thursday night when over night (s) guests arrive from around the country for Matt's wedding.  I thought it would be fun, since they are coming in around midnight, to have candles outside for the last gasp of summer and to welcome guests and fall--fall is coming even if we are entering it dragging our feet. I thought port beef stew and peach cobbler straight from the oven would be well greeted along with flutes of champagne.  We will be meeting Brooks' new girl friend for the first time and enjoying the company of Alyssa and Laurie from New Orleans. Everyone is feeling excited about the wedding and seeing people we love on this special Saturday night.

Beef stew always helps me get into fall.  I love the process of this dish and it eases the stress because it is so forgiving.  It is Andy's least favorite offering, but he will just have to adjust once again.  Andy is not a great meat lover, he is not into chewing for some strange reason. Unless the beef falls apart, and even then, he is drawn to another dish rather than the beef.

I am sure there will be a salad featuring the last of the tomatoes as well. Sigh.  I will miss those rosy  (and yellow) plump, delicious garden favorites.

Did you hear Amazon bought Whole Paycheck (Whole Foods) and cut the prices 43% on the first day? Let's shop!

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...