Yesterday a dealer from the UK appeared on my Facebook page and I asked her about the plight of antiques in England. This is her sad reply:
"I don't think many of the older dealers are still around - although I do
not bother going into London any more and never go to the doll shows now -
Camden Passage is virtually gone just a few shops and a very tiny market up at
PierPoint - the Georgian Village gone, Angel Arcade gone , Bermondsey market is
very small
and Portabello is nothing like it used to be - Newark is run by another company
and is very poor first day now tends to look like the last day used to - or even
worse - NEC show was on a couple of weeks ago - I haven't done that one for
about 20 years and yet I got about 4 phone calls asking if I was interested in
taking a stand !! - Friend of mine from Israel went and said it was very
expensive - but then it always was." Jackie Casey (England)
Everything is cyclical and antiques of any variety have had their special time to shine, but for every field to collapse at the same time is really unusual to me. I had seen shops closing and dark clouds hanging above Paris as well--the shimmer was gone from the world of antiques and it was time for me to hang up the tote bags and get a real life.
In case you do not read the David Lebovitz posts he had something I'd never seen before and I thought you should know about LAMB MELONS. He was stunned and so am I. I guess you roast this round and it must contain ground lamb. Leave it to the French to present something beautiful and unusual.