Monday, December 16, 2019

Soup girl

Yep, soup girl (girl is used loosely) is at it again. I am cleaning our the fridge and chopping and washing and simmering and sauteeing all in my nightdress.  Once the cooking bug hits me, I have to get at it.  I have a lovely base going for this unusual soup and although it won't be as good as the last batch of cauliflower soup that I raved about, it will be different and tasty.  Andy and I like a certain kind of brats, Johnsonville original recipe.  Andy discovered brats in miniature... like breakfast brats and brought home a package.  I decided today to put them into the base of this soup that is simmering away on the stove at the moment.  I still have some blanched brussel sprouts, so they are going in as I figure out what to add.  I am trying out a new pot that I got at Marshals yesterday while Beth and I were running around. It holds a lot of goodies and seems to be working well enough.

I am treating Beth and me to roasted fennel tonight. I adore it in any form, but roasted with olive oil and salt and pepper; it's the best way to serve it.
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Let's see where this day takes us. Stir in some miniature pasta carried home from Italy...

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...