Saturday, May 20, 2017

Weed whacking Saturday

It's Christmas, is it?  Having a man come to whack weeds and get the yard back in order today is a gift.  I like things neat and the weeds with all the rain are running the show at this point.  I like feeding the workers to keep them happy and today it is pepperoni mac and cheese with pepper bacon accents and peach cobbler.  I am counting the minutes until he (they) get here.  I never know how many are coming. (Ahhh, I heard the whine of the weed whacker...thank you, thank you.)

It is cloudy today and not too warm, so outside work should not be too bad.  We still have a table full of plants to get in their places.  We have lost all reason this summer buying flowers and vegetables to grace the land.   It is such a lovely time of year.

Do you watch the Saturday cooking shows on the Food Network?  That's the only time I watch and I also get into public television cooking on Saturdays.  I like Lidia and also Martha for sure.  I like it better when they do the shows alone and only cook and not try to entertain.  The Food Network has become totally silly with competition, and games, and nonsense, but early Saturday mornings it seems to be totally about food and not about the hosts.  I am tired to death of Guy F. who is on nearly all of the time! They have Ina Garten on at an odd time, so I miss her every time she is on.  I like the Pioneer Woman--isn't it strange how these people are built up and then you start seeing their demise as people either become jealous or just plain nasty in the comments they leave.  There is no retribution for their rancor, so they spew their wrath in illogical rhetoric. The same of course with the news.  The comments they leave are debilitating. Why do these celebrities put themselves out there...must be the rewards are greater than what they have to put up with.  They are now 'on' Pioneer Woman but she may be dimpling it all the way to the bank. Good for her!

Mac and cheese ready for the oven. Peach cobbler actually in the oven...

Peach cobbler with the last of last year's peaches.

Image may contain: outdoor

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...