Wednesday, December 26, 2018


I am renewing my passport today in anticipation of Italy in October.  Many changes have gone on in the realm of passport pictures.  You can now go to CVS or Walgreen and they will take the picture for you but, YOU CAN'T SMILE. It's more like a mug shot now: mouth closed and not smiling, eyes looking straight ahead, eyes open, eye glasses glare not to be present, horizontal/vertical face position...11 factors to be considered before the machine will print the picture.  Then you take all matter of paperwork to the post office and I bet there will be something forgotten.  Oh well, it will get done and Beth and I are going to have lunch out so I don't have to open the fridge and see this giant roast shaming me into doing something else with it.  I will get it done, but not today.  I have lovely bones from this roast and they are more interesting to me; I'd rather consider what to do with those than that hunk of succulent meat.

We woke up to an ethereal sight this morning, the trees were all covered with frost and the air held fog.  I love the look of the backyard when it looks that way.  But, the sun has shone and now it is just another December day.  Do you know this December is the first time in 823 years that there are 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays in a month? (The Chinese call it A Bag Full Of Money) Here's hoping the money comes our way.  Happy New Year.

Note:  The postmistress told me the reason you can't smile for a passport is they can't get a good read on the eyes and they need the eyes for identification recognition.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...