Thursday, July 9, 2020


Andy was in the pool at 7:30 this morning and for good reason.  Another 90 degrees today. I have been hanging out on the seasonal porch reading the fourth book by Kate Fritzroy.  The first two I read one day each.  The third, I did not like and stopped, and the fourth Provence Starlight I like so far.  I read light books for total enjoyment now days.  Never anything heavy for me. Andy, on the other hand, is still into heavy and still taking classes at OSU even now.  He misses the interaction of the students and teachers, however. You would have to beat me with a stick to get me to do what he is doing, I can tell you that!

I wanted to show you the picture of the Brussel sprouts dish that I found this morning and am hoping to try very soon. It's a dip with sprouts and Hidden Valley seasoning mix made into a dip.  Well, the sprouts are roasted and then dipped into the mixture.  I adore Hidden Valley Ranch mix and now Hidden Valley Ranch spicy seasoning mix.  It is a must try. But, they would not allow the picture.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...