Monday, September 12, 2016

End of the summer garden

Butternut squash with autumnal spices and brown sugar.
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Image may contain: food

"There's nothing half so pleasant
as coming home again.”
~Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
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Image may contain: food and indoor

Image may contain: food

Success! Great fixed like this!

This is a newly invented recipe which is not a recipe at all.  One can see everything that is about to be baked inside a spaghetti squash.  (They are so hard to cut in half, but I did it without cutting off a finger.)  After baking, I will let you know how this works.  I usually do it like everyone else with butter, salt, and pepper.  I used those items with the last of the tomatoes, onions, and herbs.

Next is butternut squash. Check back every once in awhile; I feel like cooking today and I have some new products I bought on a shopping spree with Beth last evening; two stores, one hour, many bags of goodies.

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Next, I bought two snacks for Andy and/ or for parties.  UTZ toasted sesame pretzels sounded good, although i am not a fan of pretzels.  It's the sesame that brings me in.  I have used pretzel crisps for dips and cheese trays before with good hold-up success.  They don't get limp and stale if they sit out for a few hours during a party.

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Another new snack from World Market: Pumpkin Crunch...the bag holds many delights including chocolate, nuts, caramel popcorn and something orange that tastes and looks like pumpkin.

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I have to be sad about this: it's the last of the peaches from the outdoor market until next summer.  We always buy from the same person and his peaches are so delicious.  Sigh.

The last gasp:

Image may contain: fruit and food

Image may contain: fruit and food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...