Saturday, December 2, 2017

An Evening Christmas dinner on the 23rd

Image may contain: christmas tree and indoor

I have had a lovely idea.  We are having a Christmas candlelight dinner on the 23rd with family from Florida and Cincinnati.  Mike and Beth will be in New Orleans and Nate, the traveler, will be visiting  wonderful places and making lovely memories.

It will be a regular meal unlike Thanksgiving.  It will be bountiful but not painful.  I am thinking a Falter's ham and a lovely Carfagna's beef tenderloin roast.  A potato dish, two salads, 2 vegetables and an English desert, a trifle.

I think the family will come for cards, drinks, and starters in the afternoon, but Johnna and JD will not arrive until dinner which will be around 7:00. Their plane comes in around then, so dinner may be held for them if possible. If not we will keep plates warm for when they do arrive.

I must get busy with the menu.  I'll let you know how things pan out...with pictures.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...