Monday, October 23, 2017

Here it comes

After a brilliant October, today the 23rd, brings about a change.  It is dark and gloomy, but a good time to bake brownies in my new copper divided pan.  It is the second go-around for that little device and I like it still.

Today I took several new outfits to the alteration lady.  Finally found one close to home.   I also saw, just down the way from alterations, a new nail salon that I am going to try. I liked the salon I had been going to for a few years, but something happened I didn't like and rather than try to get it fixed I am simply moving on. I am getting too old to fight battles that mean nothing in the end.I just don't like to be short-changed.

I made a nice pot of Amish noodles with lovely chunks of chicken and fresh herbs. I will miss stepping outside to cut a handful of fresh herbs now that fall has taken over.  I can still get fresh rosemary out in the conservatory because it winters over beautifully; sage does well out there too.

It's 18 more days until we leave for New Orleans. Hence, the trip to alterations.  Beth and I are looking forward to merging families in a fun and festive time together. The men will be feeding dogs and 'doing' for themselves for four days.  I think they'll make it. I hope they don't enjoy it too much, however. 

Then when we come home it will be less than two weeks until Thanksgiving.  We are expecting a crowd as usual and looking forward to it.  I wish it would be nice so we could eat outside like the Pilgrims did and some years it is possible.  But, I think our grace period is over and it will probably be nippy. Nonetheless, we will have a good time.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...