Thursday, October 24, 2019

balsamic vinegar

I have fallen in love with Italian balsamic vinegar.  I bought three small bottles at the vineyard where this brand is made and customs took one of the three.  Why I got away with two as well as all of the hotel toiletries in the same bag is beyond me.  They must have seen exhaustion, hysteria, and urgency in my eyes.

So, when I got home I made and ate a huge salad and put nothing but olive oil, balsamic vinegar salt, and pepper; yes, I ate the whole thing by myself. The balsamic vinegar is a lazy liquid, one must almost shake the open bottle to get the dark shiny droplets to fall from the lip. As I ate the salad I became afraid that I could not get this again if and when I ran out. (At the rate it was going, it would be soon.)  So I got on Amazon and there it was and in the larger bottle as shown in the picture. Why do we carry stuff home from foreign countries when we can get nearly everything right here at home...usually on Amazon.  So easy, free delivery, and quick efficient service.  Love Amazon.

Giuseyne Giusti Modena IGP...This is what I am using.  It is the same thing as I brought home for less money.  Go figure.

It is still warm and sunny here in this part of Ohio.  I can hardly imagine winter in this beautiful long fall season which I can still enjoy even though half of it was spent in Italy.

I correct myself.  I cannot find these bags of miniature pasta on Amazon.  I wish I had bought more of these in Italy.

Image may contain: food and indoor

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...