Saturday, January 27, 2018

Quick, sweet bread

I decided to use up the homemade applesauce, the cranberry sauce, and the candied orange peel into this quick bread.  It is my banana, no fault, bread that is the base for this load of goodies.  I have given you this recipe before, but if you need it, let me know.  This one has no bananas in it, it was not necessary for this fail-proof bread. It is dense with walnuts and the things in my refrigerator that need using.  I need the space.
Remember Kroger has the best oranges this week and I like to use even the peel.  It is easy to candy those remains and leave the results on the counter to grab when the urge hits.

It is rainy today and spring-like in temperature. But you can't fool an Ohioan into thinking all is well.  We still have February with which to deal.

Nate is enjoying Australia right now; even more so now that he has rekindled a friendship with a girl he met last winter while in the Galapagos Islands. I am glad Nate got to visit the islands last year, I read the residents are going to limit the number of tourists to preserve the nature of the area.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...