Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Ahhh, Brimfield flea market

I know you well, Brimfield flea market in Brimfield, Massachusetts and love you still.  I have not been there in years and I know it is not what it once was, but each time I think of it it is a thrill.  A man named Gordon organized and opened this experience to the world back in the sixties and we were fortunate to get there during spring break and on opening day.  There was Gordon at the gate to greet each car and asked where the passengers were from.  At the time we had come the farthest.  It was a harrowing journey to get there.  I was still teaching so due to school schedules we could not leave until dinner time on a Friday.  Andy drove all night.  We stopped at a motel to give Andy a little rest before the gates opened early that morning.  The boys and I had slept the entire trip so they bundled up in their coats and walked around.  'Somehow', David fell in the murky dirty pool that was left uncovered.  Andy was resting and I was getting dressed and suddenly Mike ran in totally wet to get us and there was David sloshing after him dripping wet winter coat, boots and all and looking really upset.  David had fallen in, how one can only guess? Mike jumped in to save him.  Mike said to him, "hang on to the side and I'll get dad."  David said," no, you hang on and I'll get dad."  Somehow they came to an agreement and both escaped with their lives. We had a lovely dinner after the flea market to celebrate Mike's heroism.  (On many occasions after that Mike joking suggested that might have been a bit premature.)

Brimfield was the largest and best flea market in America.  I don't know if it is still working but I can tell you it was a wonderful experience.  I found many treasures at that market and I will never forget all the people who traveled with us to get there.  One time after a convention here in Columbus I hired a Greyhound bus and forty-two people joined us for the adventure of shopping New England.  Brimfield was high on the agenda but we stopped at everything that even looked like it might have antiques.  The bus driver liked us so much that he wished we did not have to end it all at the end of a full week.

I don't remember how many people came to our convention but I do remember having them all here to afternoon tea and then dinner.  It was hot, I do remember that.  I have a guest book that would answer the question of how many were here.  I'll have to get that out sometime.  We had a convention with speakers and a sales room... it was a well organized time out of a week in our lives. I do remember a couple from the Netherlands attended but did not go on the tour. People from all over America did attend and many joined us on the bus trip.
Our first stop on the trip was an antique shop.  We had a microphone for use on the bus.  Andy announced that Doris would go in to see if there was anything good to be had.  That resulted in him being bombarded with soft objects and THEY were the first shoppers in the door and I was the last.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...