Saturday, April 7, 2012

Preparations are Afoot for Sunday at the Lechlers~

It is delightful that the weather has allowed all kinds of work to be done around here in preparations for Easter.  Guests start arriving around noon for  two lovely meals together. We start off with a large cheese board with fruit and a spicy cheese ball, wine and mixed drinks.  Kathy is bringing starters too, so I don't know what that will be. Matt will light the grill for out outdoor portion of the party.  The soups will be burbling on the stove and the many salads will be offered along with Glenda's deviled eggs. We will have either pecan pies or English trifle for dessert...oh, and bread pudding. Then, let the games begin.  Everyone scatters to various tables and activities. The tennis court is ready and the pool is open, but it might be a tad chilly.

Prep has begun: Bread pudding about to go into the oven.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...