Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trouble a foot

Well, the coyotes are back.  It's personal now.  It's been personal, actually. When the weather breaks I am calling a trapper.  All the officials that we have called throw their hands in the air and have no solutions to the coyotes who can and have adapted to living in the city.  Some are said to have taken up residence in storage facilities, but I can hardly see how that can happen since they are locked. They have been seen all over the place and yet nobody has a solution.  I am to call the police chief if they get near the house--but how near do they have to get?  The pool area is where Winston was mauled.  The coyote was laying by the pool watching the house, in no hurry to get up or leave since he espied three plump dogs.  He was not hungry, however, Winston charged him and he had to respond and did so without ever getting to his feet.

We have workers coming this afternoon to adjust the heating and cooling facilities...pick a nice day with the vortex moving in (today) why don't you?

I am thinking of making those cranberry toasties from The English Kitchen recipe.  I have made them four or five times and the go pretty fast.  I made them for Thanksgiving not too many years ago and they were gone right away.

This weather makes me think of Alaska.  Here is an oldie memory of our trip with 16 family members to Alaska on a cruise in 2010. (June 26th 2010)

Alaska with the Lechlers

After two weeks of eating and drinking well on an Alaskan cruise, I came home and started cooking. Go figure! And I do mean 'go figure'. My feet are the size of hams, to put it in the food vernacular. A total of eight hours on a plane coming home will do that to me, or maybe it was the dirty martinis that caused the stumping. (I don't drink on a plane, but it happened just the same.)

I started thinking about the most delicious dish that we had on the trip and the last stop in Anchorage comes to mind. It was our last night as a group of sixteen and we were told by several people not to miss the food at The Glacier Brewhouse .(They brew their own tasty beer and the equipment is on display.) Everyone else must have felt the same way because the first come, first serve, practice was enforced and the place was hopping. Unfortunately, I was so full from the weeks' intake that I ordered only one thing--the seafood chowder. It was, without a doubt, the best that I have tasted and better than I have made. I can't put my finger on it, but it was scrumptious. I asked the waiter what was in it and he named all of the things that I use, so I will start experimenting when I get my ducks in order. (Could it be a drop or so of sherry? He didn't name it, but maybe.) There is not much time for experimenting because thirty people are arriving for July 4th. It's a family day and a celebration of one family member's retirement.

At the brewery, as we filed out, a platter of the most delicious looking ribs I have ever pictured lured me over and right beside it a fabulous crab plate that made me wish I had ordered that. I checked on the Internet to see if I could find that place to give you more information--it was simply the best. http://www.glacierbrewhouse.com (We stayed at the Captain Cook hotel, which was very nice, in case you find yourself in Anchorage, Alaska.)

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...