Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What fresh hell is this?

Well, this last week was a week of fresh hell.  Our accounts at the bank were hacked three times, but the bank caught the transactions thankfully.  They keep a good eye out for us, but that means spending hours at the bank changing everything that has been in place for decades.  Then we went to an attorney to work on a will. That's so much fun. I need to do that often. Then the plumbing started acting up and with as many bathrooms as we have, it is a major crisis.  The good thing is that we have a good man, now, who spent several days securing things. And, just as these events fell in to place I heard Andy on the phone giving out private information to a stranger and we were off, once again. (Oh, I'm sorry, Andy, I thought that was you I was sitting beside at the bank for four hours getting our information secured once again!) (As of April fourth we have been married 57 years, I can forgive almost anything, bless his heart.)

Doris Lechler's photo.

So, is that enough...NO.  The neighbor's four story pine tree fell across our driveway, hit the power line, in a wind storm and Cooke Road was shut down for two days. (Second pine tree (fell) from the same neighbor years ago just missing our house.) Only four more pine trees from the same neighbor still to go. Always a pleasant event. Then, today, I was getting to this site, Sundays with the Lechlers, and I could not get in.  I thought this is surely a sign to give up posting.  I've been at it for years and finding new and different things to tempt you is getting more difficult because everything is being covered all over the Internet. But.  I am stubborn and I got back in and I will end it when I get good and ready, not when some machine blocks my way. So now I am off to bake a cake.

Purple Clover's photo.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...