Thursday, August 6, 2020

Guests, oh my

We are having guests Sunday, the first time in over seven months. I'm a bit giddy. Kathy is driving Miss, she is driving Joe and Glenda up here to Many Branches for the day.  I will have a nice hot frittata waiting for them along with a salad with all Italian ingredients. It is never the same and the ingredients change with whatever is on my shelves and in the fridge.  For dinner, I will have a lovely bacon-wrapped pork roast, roasted potatoes with multi-colored carrots which will be roasted with the pork.

We are in the middle of construction trying to recover from the new pipes syndrome which has left dust and grit all over the house. Normally, I would not have guests, even family, during that time but I think last July was the last time family was here.  Only three are coming, so it will be fun outside playing cards and having good food and catch-up time. Oh, drinks might be in order as well.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...