Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week- end fun

Joe and Glenda just pulled out of the driveway for home.  We had such a good weekend visit with them.  Andy and Joe got to try out the new seats for the OSU games and they found them front and center.  Andy has had season tickets for years and years (he's that old). Glenda and I had the whole afternoon to catch up on the news of the family. We ate well... I had prepared a lot of food ahead of time which was too much as usual.  So, no cooking this week.

We are so happy Brooks will be home from Iraq in a few days. So glad that's over.  He has many decisions to make now for his up coming wedding in the spring. We think it will be in Nashville and since we have never been there, we are looking forward to enjoying that adventure.  We do love weddings.  They are so much fun.

Alyssa's wedding, due to good planning, is moving right along.  I am still waiting for my trip (Italy) plans package which is to arrive Federal Express.  I don't think we are getting the service that is necessary from AAA Florida. The agent has personal problems and it has thrown him off course and I don't like it! I am 81 and need to know what is in front of me travel-wise. Plus he has me booked on American airlines and they are in two kinds of trouble at present.  I am sure it will work out eventually, but not quick enough for my liking.

This was a beautiful week-end weather-wise as well as company wise. Fall is beautiful, but summer is way too short.  I miss it already.

I lied about the cooking.
Fried rice with Singapore noodles
Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...