Monday, June 22, 2020

blessed sleep

We entertained hoards yesterday, eight people, and two were babies.  I count them because I am so out of practice when it comes to entertaining.  I went to bed at 7:00 and slept round the clock and now feel I could practice sleeping for another eight hours. We had a beautiful day and they did seem to enjoy the ribs, wings, fried rice, and whatever else we had that I can't recall. I'll have a look in the fridge when I get my strength back to see the left-overs if Andy does not beat me there first. The pool got a good work out yesterday for the first time this season.  It was always too cold for the big babies until now.  We have a pool heater, but we never use it.  I always say the pool is meant to cool you off.  If you want warm, take a shower.

Well, 'they' are prepared to tear down Teddy Roosevelt's statue now.  I am in a fit daily with what is going on in America.  We, (no they) have let loose something wild and now it is all way out of control. What started out as understandable has morphed into the bizarre.
And yet there is more...Eskimo pie must be renamed now. Words fail me.

Now and then I love days like this; the kitchen door opened to the yard with a gentle rain blessing the plants.  Mike got two more window boxes up yesterday and later today we are going for more plants which should be enough until fall.

Have a day as good as it gets.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...