Monday, July 29, 2019

Thanksgiving is sorted out

Beth and I ran around Sunday afternoon and came to the conclusion that we should spend Thanksgiving in New Orleans again. We have done this a couple of times before and had a great time.  We want to sort things out so Beth's mom does not have so much to do, but I am sure that can be taken care of.  We get to see Adam again, he's flying in too.  We may even try for a little reception to celebrate Josh and Alyssa's marriage for those who could not get to Italy for the wedding and reception. Oh, we had big plans going Sunday afternoon.  

Has anyone noticed that the corn on the cob is very sad so far this summer?  Andy bought corn and peaches Saturday at the market and I must say the corn was disappointing.  Hope for improvement before fall sets in.

The tomatoes are rolling in and I started stressing until I got out the big tomato pot and put the herbs and spices combinations together along with every ripe tomato we had so far.  It made a nice big base for soups and sauces. Andy would like BLTs every day and so would I, but we have to put a limit on that...bacon every day?  Don't think that is wise.

Have a great week.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...