Saturday, June 15, 2013

Baby Shower from the family~

Jimmy Lechler, Andy's brother, and his wife, Sally, put on a very nice family shower to honor BJ and Andrea who are expecting identical twins in a few months.  Jimmy will be grandfather to two sets of identical twins.  Andy and I drove down to Cincinnati early this morning and stayed all day visiting first with Joe and Glenda and then on to Jim's.  Sally had prepared lovely dishes for everyone to enjoy and I put down a fork often enough to get these pictures of the festivities.  Andrea and BJ leave for home, in California, tomorrow.  They looked fine and seemed very happy together.

I know the family will enjoy these shots seeing Andrea for the first time. (Other readers, please excuse us.)
The mother to be (of twins.)

Kathy and BJ

Joe, Andy and George.

BJ the father to be.

The proud grandfather.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...