Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 What a life we have led for the last two months.  Twenty-five bad things happened as a black cloud lingered over Many Branches for a long stretch of time. A broken computer was the least of it, but I was not able to get into my blog on the new computer.  Finally, this morning, I figured it out.  What a pain in the butt~  I am likely to cuss any minute just thinking about the stuff we have gone through.

I've had so many things that I discovered that I wanted to share with you, if I still have any readers, and now that I am on I can't think of anything but the bad stuff. I see this morning that the squirrels are feasting on our tomatoes AGAIN this year. Who ever heard of squirrels eating tomatoes? They like them ripe or green and they also carry them up the trees and throw them at us. And, this is not even part of the bad stuff. However, we found a place that has the best tomatoes, for $3.49 a pound. (My mother would roll over in her grave if she knew I  bought tomatoes for that price.) Desperation calls for silly moves. Anyway, Weiland's on Indianola Ave. has great tomatoes. So, we were able to have our first BLT's of the season yesterday.

Corn on the cob seems to be scarce this year. Andy found some good ears at the Clintonville Market which, by the way, has moved to the fairgrounds.

Nate has this property looking like Oakland Park Nursery.  He has bought and tended the flowers in his spare time all summer.  And, he has bought a smoker.  We have had good results with it having created a pork shoulder, ribs, and this week-end a brisket is on tap.

Now that I have this working again, I will get off and make a list so that I can remember all the things I wanted to tell you about...if you are still there. Hello

May be an image of food

Now enjoying summer

May be an image of outdoors and indoor
May be an image of flower and outdoors

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