Thursday, October 10, 2013

Soup's on~

Sorry, but I  laughed out loud at the irony of this: Three Americans Win Nobel Prize In Economics. HUH?

Is there anything prettier to eat than a bowl of soup?  I don't believe I have every followed a recipe for soup.  It is so freeing to make these hearty dishes because the are so forgiving. I feel creative and free of paper cards instructing me to do this, add that, season to taste.  I am sure that when people ask for these recipe that they think I don't want to share.  The point being,  not one of my soups can be duplicated.  They are all different.  Beth asked for the barley mushroom soup recipe today and it is easier for me to make it than write it down.  Some of my Otterbein sisters want that recipe too, but I did not have a chance to explain that I don't have a soup recipe of any kind.  The request was easily forgotten because we were all talking at once, stirring this and plating that, so I hope they did not think I had become stingy. I have found my niche with soups and stews and roasts.  I don't bake as much as I used too because it is so exacting.  I lose interest pretty quickly in that arena while a pot of soup or stew can have things added and taken away with no harm done to the end result.  Too much salt?  Add potatoes...that kind of thing.
Sunday. I'm in a soup and stew making mood.
Long noodles !
An autumnal apple and ginger tart.

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