Monday, October 7, 2013

Le Palais des Poulets

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Not too many years ago we had chickens.  Their palace was an elegant place where many people said they could easily live.  My good neighbor across the road and I were excited each spring when the babies arrived by US postal service, usually on Sunday.  We would get a call from the main post office in Columbus to PLEASE COME GET THESE BLASTED CHICKENS, they are driving us nuts. (If they had just pecked their way out of an egg, were thrown in a box with 25 other chickens with no food or water, one would guess they might be a tad noisy as well.) Pauline and I loved our chickens and for a few years named them, fussed over them and mourned them when they died. We had green eggs, blue eggs, brown and white eggs, all delicious and lovely to see. However, chickens are needy.  They are not like cats that take care of themselves if left with food and water, these girls needed attention ,and, heat lamps in the winter. So after a several years, we stopped ordering chickens and then we had none.  We didn't eat chicken for quite some time and never one of our own. I suppose we could do with two or three chickens, but now I think the dogs might be too interested in chasing them into the bad neighbors yard and then all hell breaks loose...again.

                                                    The chicken palace for many years.

Below is dinner tonight, plus, I just made the recipe for ginger syrup that is listed and shown on the Otterbein sisters section of the blog.  It can rest in the frig and I am already dreaming of ways to use it in cocktails and other drinks and dishes.

Andy bought a  packet of those darn tiny, tasteless carrots, so I am using them  with this pork and potatoes roast, hoping to get some flavor out of them. Oven ready.

Ginger syrup for drinks and dishes...let your imagination go wild.

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