Thursday, April 29, 2021

All about beef

 OH, look, it's beef for dinner today. Beef, beef, beef! The beef will go in the slow cooker with wine potatoes and carrots...the multi-colored carrots from Trader Joe's.  Andy and I made some rounds yesterday and went to Joe's and Carfagna's. We are stocked and ready.

The ducks are back and have taken their morning swim in the new, clean pool. Bella went nuts running around and around the pool but they paid no attention to her. Finally, she realized it was breakfast time and gave up, they swam on. They have not come here for two or three years because of Winston and Posy. Those dogs were relentless in their quest to guard the property. But now they are gone, sadly, and Bella is left to protect us.  She does her best as do we all.

The rain is so gentle this morning and the air so clean. This is a favorite morning here and I appreciate having it. There is also the scent of BEEF in the air, something else to look forward to several hours down the road.

Here's the beef!

May be an image of food and indoor

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