Thursday, August 20, 2020

Company is coming...

We are getting excited.  The washer guy is fixing one of the big load washers so I don't have to do laundry in a tea cup of water.  Eric and crew are coming to do the outdoor area, and the handyman is coming this evening to dirty up our clean house.  He is finally going to finish the powder room I HOPE.  There is more to do of course, but this will make the most dust and grit and work for me, so that's what he is going to do tonight...if he comes at all. We are having company!!! Three humans and two more dogs.  Captain Wagstaff (Beth's son) and his wife Carly, and our son David.  I think David was meaning to surprise us, but Mike let it out of the bag this morning. David always brings his dog and Carly and Brooks are moving to Oregon with his important new military assignment and they will have to bring their dog too.

I have begun cooking.  So far I have made a large anti-pasta salad (one dish of it will have pasta, and one without.) I have made a large batch of beef tortellini soup.  And, though I am totally over baking in any form, the guys have sweets on their minds. I have to make a list of what I need because it has been so long since I did the sweet bakes.  A cheesecake may be the answer, however, for I have the stuff that is needed.  Groan.  I miss the patisseries in Paris, that's what the French do...they make the main meal and buy the dessert. Then I have to make some of my crack breakfast treat for David to take home to Johnna.  She would love the Mrs. Field's chocolate chip cookies, but nooooo.  I can't do it. Maybe.

On Sunday we are all getting together for a roasted pork noon lunch with roasted potatoes and corn on the cob. So, I will be cooking big time in the next few day.  (Oh, I don't think Sam's  roasted cauliflower bites are good enough to buy again.  They need to flavor them up some.  They look good and hold together well, but there is little flavor inside.  Save your money for something tastier.)

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To the doctor

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