Sunday, August 25, 2019

Fall recipes

Although Cook's Corner is not such a draw  (for me) anymore, the Columbus Dispatch has started giving a nice seasonal insert in the Sunday paper. Today they out-did themselves with their Fall cookbook offering forty-six pages of well placed and well thought out recipes for the entertaining season. It's a keeper.  I have already discussed it with a fan of the paper's cooking section and we agree it is worth having in our recipe book repertoire.

Beth and I are running around this afternoon.  Andy is clearing out some container gardens and Mike is working on the ashes in the basement fireplace.  He has the worst job and Beth and I have the best.  We have never used the basement fireplace (I don't like basements, even nice ones.) So the ashes are very old, maybe 80 years old and they have popped the ash door open to my chagrin. Well, that's not a big problem, so I'll file that in the 'forget it' column for now.

Posy has reclaimed the top dog entitlement honor now that Wiston has died.  Posy is the oldest and once held the title for a year or two and then Winston decided he was a male and the name was his.  Now it is just Posy and little Bella and Bella does not care for titles, she is simply a sweet dog.

Well, I am off with Beth to buy a dust mop and Gorilla glue.  How exciting is that? I hope there is something better out there to tempt me, but who knows?

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