Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Apple crisp

I have never been an apple crisp girl, but today has changed my way of thinking.  Actually, Honey Crisp Apples have made me rethink that common dessert. It is so fast to put together and an hour in the oven and the house smells like home.  When I  opened the oven door I became a convert.  Then, with a dollop of vanilla ice cream I went in...did not wait for Andy to oooh and ahhh over it after his class at OSU, nope. Could not wait.  It was just a small dish, however, so probably doesn't count.

 Yesterday was Matt's birthday and today is Nate's and Andy's is the 16th.  September is a busy month. Posy had 17 teeth pulled yesterday.  I don't know how many teeth a dog has, but I could not believe it when the vet called me.  She also had two growths taken off while she was under, so she is now feeling perky and entitled...but then she is on some good meds. Dogs heal fast.  She is 12 years old but acts like a teenager.  Winston is next for the vet dental business but his appointment is the last of October. I bet if I get another dog, everyone quakes when they hear that, I will be brushing teeth from day one whether he or she likes it or not. We Lechler humans are at the dentist pretty often in the last couple of months too.

I made a big pot of chili today.  It is so good.  You know sometimes you hit it just right throwing in this and that and other times you have to tie the guy down to get him to eat it.  Joe and Glenda are coming back a week from tomorrow for another few days.  Andy and Joe will go to the OSU game and band show.  They will get chili as well.  I want to make a trip to the Amish while they are here to stock up.

All is well at Many Branches.  We called to have the pool closed.  It's early for us, but the leaves, the leaves.  I hate saying goodbye to summer. Sigh. Apple crisp helps though.

Image may contain: food

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