Saturday, December 30, 2017

Soups and authors

Is there anything more appetizing in winter than soup? I think not.  Just look at this scrumptious, dripping, crusty bowl of French onion soup.  I have these bowls that I bought in Paris years ago and they have lids and lion grips.  One could not get a lid on this and who would want to?  It is perfect as it is presented drips and all.  This is from the cookbook I have been raving about. Strangely enough I have not been tempted to jump into the kitchen to cook from this book, but I can hardly put it down because the woman can write as well as cook and I feel I am right there in her kitchen with her, watching but not doing anything but sipping a glass of wine and enjoying her calm in chaos that surrounds her all of the time. I am on page 135 now and know that her first book will arrive from Amazon before I have finished this one. (She has a Facebook and blog as well. Mimi Thorisson)

As I am writing this I now recall another inspiring writer and TV cook Nigella Lawson.  I used to relax watching her cook on TV when I was in London.  I feel like it was on a Sunday each time, otherwise I would have been antiquing and chasing leads to more antiques.  She is the most casual, bewitching cook I have ever seen.  That woman loves food but stays beautiful. She casually cooks a dinner and then before bedtime stand in front of the refrigerator and eats from the left overs while still scanning the booty that might hide in there. I don't know how many cookbooks she has authored, and I have bought none, it is just inspiring watching her cook and watching her enjoy the fruits of her labor. I discovered her Facebook and she has a good recipe on there for Bailey's tiramisu. She puts me in mind of Mimi Thorisson with fewer children and dogs.

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