Sunday, April 23, 2017

All white mac and cheese

Why don't you just relax like I do?
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It usually takes me about a week to get my ducks back in a row after an event like Easter.  I have noticed it is taking a bit longer each time but it is not arduous because I have so much help; I just move slower. Except this time.  I had the help and it was great but all of a sudden allergies galore appeared to shock me.  The cars were all yellow, the outside tables were yellow, the driveway, the tennis court...every tree on the property showed off this year and it left me gasping.I thought it's a cold, no, it's the pollen, no definitely a cold...whatever it is it is going to kill me by coughing.  I know, I know, I am not the only one.  We will survive.  Needless to say, the kitchen suffered.  The only thing I made during the entire week was an all white mac and cheese using up the cheese board left over pieces, the chicken meatballs, and the wonderful sturdy pasta that I like for mac and cheese.  It was a Fontina white beauty with pepperoni roses poked into the goodness crisping and peeking out all around the dish. I've discovered mac and cheese can be enhanced with leftovers.  The dish was so pretty I wanted to picture it, but it just took too much effort. Hopefully, I am on the mend because I have sent Andy to the store so there will be plenty to cook in a few minutes.

I have been trying to write a letter a day (by email) to my sister-in-law who has really had a year and a half of woe.  She keeps breaking bones and has had several operations and casts on her legs and because of this I try to entertain her with letters. I managed to accomplish that this week and hope to continue until she and Joe can come to stay here a few days for fun. Things should be quiet here until July 4th but then and after that, several things will be going on that will need celebrating and attention. I'll be ready.

Have a great sneeze free week.

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