Thursday, January 12, 2017

new copper skillets as shown on TV

Because my Le Creuset cook ware has become so heavy for me to handle comfortably, I was thrilled to see the inexpensive copper ware demonstrated on TV.  Andy found and bought one for me at Ollie's and when I tried it a couple of times it worked just as the ad illustrated.  So I asked Andy to buy ten more skillets so that each head of the kitchen household that came for the party could take one home as a gift. We even went back for more of the pots and pans and skillets until I found that if you add, for flavor, a bit of butter or oil to the skillet its sliding feature disappears and it is a bit less easy to clean. Never one to give up on a 'good thing' the next time we visited Ollie's there were the copper baking sheets, so I bought two. I have since thrown one away.  I could not get it clean or stain free after baking a simple free form tart.  I followed the seasoning instructions on the baking sheets, which had not appeared on the skillet packages, and even kept the instructions because it said to do it every few weeks. So, here is what I think: on TV they simply use a new pan or skillet for each dish they illustrate to give the illusion that you will have a product that will work the same every time and it is simply a scam and I fell hard for it. Not one person that I gave a skillet to has mentioned this because they are very polite and I have kept quiet about it because I didn't want it to be true, but the baking sheet was the last straw!  I will use them as long as I can get them clean and actually the skillets do clean up easily but the food does stick so it takes more effort than they own up to on TV. Boo hum bug!

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