Saturday, August 9, 2014

Egg Plant


I had never tasted egg plant until today. You know what?  It isn't awful!   I went wild and fixed a big dish of this concoction of fresh tomatoes, egg plant, Parmesan, peppers, and bacon. We had lovely purple globules handing on the bushes and I just had to do something with them. Now I am thinking Glenda loves egg plant Parmesan and that's basically what I made, so that is one dish for next week end in Cincinnati.  (Glenda called today and she is ecstatic about being able to finally go home tomorrow after two months in rehab and we are going to go  next week end for cards, cocktails, and delicious food, and, excellent company.) We have a bumper crop of egg plant this year in the containers and that is a perfect place for them to grow.  I like them small and they are really not bad in a dish with enhancement.  I never knew what an egg plant was until twenty or thirty years ago and now it is going to be a frequent addition to my recipe file much to Andy's dismay. (His mother used them during the war for lack of meat and he can't stand the thought of egg plant, yet he grows it...go figure.) I can't give you my recipe, because I fixed it outdoors while the cable men worried over the house and apartment looking for ways to enhance our system and add to it.  Good luck there.  So, the dogs and I gathered every egg plant, pepper, and tomato available and yet we made a large dish of goodness with still fresh vegetables going begging. We will take a load to Cincinnati, so they had better be ready to cook. The Internet has thousands of egg plant recipes, but I will try to find one near what I made today because it was so some of us.

This sort of looks like mine, but really just throw in what you like and Bob's your uncle. (I used Mr. and Mrs. Ts spicy cocktail mix for bloody Mary's for the base and Carfagna's sauce for the cover.)   I did not use pasta but it's a choice.


North College Hill Bakery gets rave reviews and we are going on Friday! Yea!  One said the breakfast cheesecake was not to be we won't miss it for sure.  Thank you.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "North College Hill Bakery...the best!": 

I grew up in North College Hill went to school across the street from the Bakery. Married a military man and have traveled all over the world. North College Hill bakery is by far the best. Every time we go home to visit family we make a trip there. My daughter and her husband went to Cincinnati last week and called from the bakery to see what I wanted. Breakfast Cheesecake, that is heaven on earth. I've never been able to find it anywhere else. 

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