Friday, March 13, 2020

What to do What to do

While many people are self-imposed quarantined they may be looking for ways to spend the day.  I can think of hundreds of ways, but daytime television is not one of them nor lately is evening TV. With all of the talent out there they cannot seem to put out a good show anymore.  I was relying on Public Television to rescue my evenings and they had such a great line up I had full confidence in them only to be let down.  Their programmer cannot seem to get it together.  One begins a lovely series like Escape to the Chateau and I for one cozy down for the show and up pops Country Music marathon, or an info commercial or a plea for money.  The show does not come on for weeks, and sometimes, like Jamestown, never. (Well, that one was a good idea to can.) A series should not be interrupted unless it is a national emergency of some kind.  If the series is important enough to put on in the first place then stick to the date and time that it should be on. Don't try to 'top' it with a new show; it breaks the spell. I have given up on tv in general and then I go to bed, sleep a few hours and wake up fresh as a daisy not being able to go back to sleep.  So, I cook. That's another way to spend time.  Try out recipes or create your own in the silence of the home with no distractions. Trust me, someone will appreciate and eat your creation. Note: To watch episodes of Escape to the Chateau go to Dailymotion on your computer.  It is free and better than free Youtube.

Now the sun is out many days leading into spring.  Andy has gotten an early start on planting.  That usually does not work out and we lose all the flowers, but we do it again and we so appreciate those lovely blooms.  Anyway, he is spending a lot of time in the yard right now and discovered many ways to fill his time and mine.  Eric is coming Saturday to cut down a couple of trees, fertilize the property, and to do away with wayward leaves that fell late in the season. Then Johnny comes the 30th to give the house and buildings a bath with power washers. Then the windows will need a see, I can fill your days with ideas.

Maybe you won't need any of these suggestions.  Andy just came back from the bank and store and everything is going on as usual.  Kroger was packed and the bank ATMs had lines of cars. (There was even enough toilet paper for everyone.)  No shortages.  Maybe it is just the media hype. Here we turned down a trip to Cincinnati to be with some family members at a luncheon today.  We were following the president's what to do and not do and here it is business as usual in Columbus. Well, I for one like staying home now days, so either way I'm covered.

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