Thursday, March 5, 2020


Rarely do I get asked for recipes.  People either don't need or want them, the dish may not look tempting...I don't know.  So when asked for the doctored cracker recipe and the vegetable gratin I was a bit nervous because you know me, if it isn't baked goods I have no exact limits.  Anyway, I was going to write them up just for her, then decided it is easy to do on the blog and then I can copy what I did and put it in my kitchen journal and Bob's your uncle. So, these are steps not recipes.

Doctored crackers:
Because these are so delicious you must buy two bags of those bland oyster crackers and melt 2 sticks of butter.  To the butter, you add all the things you like such as: red pepper flakes, be generous, dried seasonings (oregano, Italian seasoning, dried parsley and cilantro,) a shake of Worcestershire sauce, garlic salt to taste, but be careful with the salt, some Cajun seasoning is good in it too. And, Trader's Joe's chile lime seasoning blend is a great addition.  If you have not bought that, you should grab your coat and go to Joe's.  Stir gently after pouring this delicious concoction on the bland oyster crackers making sure every cracker has a bath of flavor.  Be generous with the dried parsley because that makes the crackers pretty.  This takes a BIG bowl in order to mix it all properly. I don't know your oven, but mine is successful at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.  Check them every once in a while and you can even take them out, turn them over to brown the other side.  I don't usually do that.  They want to be dried out, that's the key. Store them in a big cookie tin.  Eat them like popcorn or in soups, stews, on's endless.  They last a long time and if you are looking for gifts, put these in a cellophane bag, tie it with a ribbon and your receiver will be forever grateful. My batches never taste the same way twice but that is fun and tasty. If you find you have over seasoned. Just buy another bag and toast the plain crackers in the oven with melted butter and then add them hot from the oven to the entire batch. Stir them around and they will pick up the seasoning from the bottom of the tin in which you keep your stash. They need a punch of flavor, so I don't think you can over dress them.

Note:  You can do this exact thing to saltines and any other cracker you wish to jazz up.


I do a lot of the prep work and keep the results in bags in the fridge to use in soups, salads, gratins, any kind of casseroles. So my food processor really works out in this situation,  I even poach chicken tenders and put them in the processor and make pebble-like pieces that are great in chicken and noodles and in all of the above dishes and in chicken salad sandwiches. Speaking of processors, do you have the kind with that lid that you have to baby and twist and turn and cuss to get it on correctly?  Life is too short.  I bought a new one with flaps that you just press down and off we go with a smile on my face.

I have bags that I reuse over and over and put the processed food in for future use.  Bags: broccoli, cauliflower, green onions, sweet onions, chicken, spinach leaves, carrots, celery. You get the idea. They stand like soldiers in the fridge ready for duty. I can just reach in and gather what I want for gratins such as the one pictured.  

Butter a large baking dish.  Peel potatoes and slice them to your liking.  Place a layer of them in the baking dish with salt and pepper and a dash of dried Ranch dressing mix. Lay a layer of broccoli with a dash of Ranch dressing mix with a spreading of your favorite melting cheese on top. Next, add a layer of celery and cauliflower. Have a jar of your favorite Alfredo sauce (or make your own) turned upside down for easy flow and spread half of it over the layers you have so far. Repeat the layers and top with remaining Alfredo sauce and then pour a bit of half and half or whole cream over it all.  Finish with the cheese. Put foil over the baking dish and bake at 350 for an hour and take off the foil and bake until brown and bubbly.  You can layer this dish with ANY vegetable you like and you can add some of the pebble chicken for extra goodness.  I have even done this dish with pepperoni instead of chicken. It is a very forgiving dish. Use salt and pepper as you would with any bland vegetable that resides in this dish. Trader Joe's chili lime seasoning does well in this dish and gives it a fresh kick.

Sadly, Trader Joe died a couple of days ago.  What a man!

Image may contain: food

Image may contain: food

Note : I am reading a really good book, THE NIGHTINGALE by Kristin Hannah.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...