Thursday, June 2, 2016

Dad's Blue Chair Season

goodbye, May...hello JUNE | it's time for | Pinterest

My dad had a blue chair that suited him to a tee. When he died I brought it to my house and used it for years; low to the ground and a slanted seat, it is truly a comfort.  After many years and seasons Joe, Kathy's husband, built me a new one exactly like the one that was falling apart and I use it all summer and the guys bring it into the kitchen for the winter.  I love it still. My dad would have taken comfort in this for he loved me and he enjoyed the chair.

I am recovered from the party over Memorial
Day and am making the dish that was one son's favorite: black bean and couscous salad.  It is a good recipe that can be made well ahead and is better with age. It is also not time consuming.  Although one party is over there is much to think about.  Beth and the Cincy women leave a week from tomorrow for Paris and Italy.  And, today is JD's last day of high school; our youngest grandson. Joe and Glenda are coming up to spend a few days with us next week.
Life is good, but busy.

recipe on       black bean and couscous (with corn) salad

Doris Lechler's photo.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...