Monday, November 4, 2019

Chicken pot pie

Rotisserie chickens are a boost for cooks in America...and France, I know that for a fact.  I am making chicken pot pie with one today and also simmering the bones etc. for homemade chicken broth.  It's a good time to get everything out of the fridge that needs using and the result is delicious.  I mentioned France; the guys set the rotisserie out on the street close to the building and below the chickens (as they turn) are small potatoes.  The chicken juice drips on the potatoes and the aroma as you pass by is heavenly... they can then be bought with the chicken or without. I put this suggestion in Sam's suggestion box, but they didn't pay any attention to it, so, their loss and ours. (Sam's rotisserie chickens are the best in town.)

Andy's off to his daily trip to the store.  He loves Kroger stores.  He goes to one that is a little dodgy. I don't go there since Mike told me he was in line to pay and behind him was a guy with a python around his neck. Andy Stops at Tim Hortons and brings my treat for the day, an iced cappuccino (dark).  Tim Hortons makes the best!

I am sorting clothes this afternoon after I complete the chicken pot pie...I am making one for Stacy and Matt too. My closet is bursting with shoes and clothes, so I am going to bag some for donation.

Have a great week.  Life is good, don't you think? By the way, welcome back readers, I thought I had lost you due to my three-week absence.

Individual pot pies waiting for their crusts in French covered pots.
Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...