Thursday, August 20, 2015

Labor Day 2015

Big doings at Many Branches this Labor Day week end. We have much to celebrate and many people joining us for this week end which is always special because of all the September birthdays. We are having a giant potluck this time with two meals, one around the time everyone arrives and one before they leave at the end of the day. David and JD are flying in for a few days.  David's birthday gives us an excuse to make sure he is with us.  Sadly, Johnna can't come, but we will catch her in January for the beach holiday. September puts everyone in gear for continuous celebrations.  School starts and Labor Day arrives, autumn is on the heels of summer and Halloween pops up. It's also time for the winter candles to go in each window. Early in November the lights go up on the summer porch and Christmas is quietly invited in. Then Thanksgiving arrives and this year we are having it in New Orleans with Beth's welcoming family.  Then Christmas scampers in and that finds many Lechlers in Colorado Springs for a skiing Christmas. At the end of December we pick up Joe and Glenda and head south for a month at the beach with many visitors breaking up the slow easy days.

Note: This September schedule must include over night guests for every OSU home game until the end of the football season.
Andy has had season tickets for years and now we share them with family members.                   

We'll be seeing this during the celebration Labor Day week end.

Fresh corn, tomato, avocado and basil salad

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...