Sunday, September 6, 2020

BLT with limited T's.

I am spoiling those in the family who eat normal food today. Andy's favorite BLT was first on the menu for the morning. We had it with our one lonely yellow tomato...tomatoes did not grow well for us this summer.  They miss the old garden, but I don't. Sometime today I will fix shrimp alfredo pasta and that will be it for the day. It is a glorious day as was yesterday.  It is difficult to be sad on a day like this, so I refuse to let anything bother me today.

We are very healthy but it seems we have many doctors' appointments this week. Andy has the most, I have but one. We have not seen a doctor for months if not a year. How lucky is that?

Television is awful, as usual.  It is supposed to get better this time of year with new shows etc.  Have all the actors and directors died?  Oh, that's right, they are busy with politics.  DO YOUR OWN JOBS. We don't care what you think.

I think this Labor Day weekend is the first in years that we have not had a family get together...I may have missed having it last year, but before that we gathered. It just seems strange. We missed several events this year and we are still going to be missing more.  Getting married has been a problem for almost a year.  Some have moved places and dates more than three times. I hope it works out for them.  Pictures will have to do.

Enjoy this glorious day.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...