Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Star is Born...don't miss it

Well, if this isn't enough to make me cranky, I don't know what it would take.  The wind has howled all day like a banshee.  Trees are falling like sticks and we still have a fence that is not fixed from three weeks ago...nice neighbor. What is with this winter?  I will be so glad to welcome in March!

I just realized that Alex's wedding is in a couple of months so I tried to buy her a nice gift on Macy's site where she is registered.  I could have walked to the store from here, picked it up and carried it home (not really) by the time I found the tiny bag with the red star to check out.  I never did get it checked out because it said my bag was empty!  When I went back to retouch the Kitchen Aid mixer, it had been sold...RIGHT sold to me now let me pay for it.  Well, I gave up.  Maybe another day. Sorry, Alex.

Posy has kidney stones.  The vet sold me some dog food that is supposed to dissolve them if they are the correct kind of stones.  At the rate I am going it will not work and that would mean an operation.
Even the dogs are having a time of it.

Thank God things are not as bad as they could be. Some people have it a lot worse.  Just venting.

I watched A Star is Born.  I loved it!  It was such a great movie.  I am reading The Edge of Lost by K. McMorris, the author of Sold on a Monday. And, I have a soup kitchen going.  There is always a pot of soup on the stove or in the slow cooker.  It is a comfort.

Alyssa is going to Italy Wednesday to secure everything for the wedding.  Johnna, Angela, and I have secured our trip to Italy which is turning into a two-week event with the wedding in the middle. The travel insurance for someone my age is ridiculous.  I said no and that I just wanted insurance in case I could not go, so they cut it in half.  What are you going to do?  I used to travel without it hundreds of times, but now, I don't want to take the chance of losing my money if I can't travel. I am having fun buying my wardrobe for two weeks.  I think I am almost there.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...