Thursday, August 30, 2018

Whooooppppeeee! It starts today

David left Florida at 4:00 this morning with his dog. Sigh.  four dogs, 30 has been before and it worked out. I just go with the flow.  What is ready is ready and what is not I have good, very good, family helpers who take over, with thanks, once they get here.  Then I become a guest of sorts. Beth is such a help as well.  She is so kind and accommodating.

Today for lunch when Joe and Glenda arrive we will dine on corn chowder with bacon and a green salad with chopped vegetables.  I have a pork roast in the crockpot with potatoes, carrots, celery and whatever else is begging to be used today. That will be dinner and for David's arrival around 8:00.

Friday has not sorted itself out, but the fridge and freezers are bulging.  I think mac and cheese with pepperoni is a good dish to have when there is coming and goings, so yes, I think that serves the bill for dinner with a salad. (I have plenty of those.) Lunch can be a frittata, that's always welcome and easy.

Dinner is out with the birthday man at a Chinese restaurant, 8 people I think. That's Saturday night.

Sunday is party day and eating all day with games, cards, swimming and chat.  I haven't had a party since December 23rd, so I am interested and happy to see everyone.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...