Thursday, February 28, 2019

Yea! It's March

You can't know how excited I am to see March (even though we woke up to snow).  March is a sign that spring is around the corner.  So happy.

Also, Beth and I are going to New Orleans in May for Alyssa's first bridal shower.  We are staying at the Claiborne Mansion again...I do love it there. I will welcome the heat of New Orleans for my old bones.  They will be grateful too.  Alyssa is in Italy right now firming everything up for the destination wedding. I have a feeling we will be going and coming from New Orleans several times before this is over in October.  Angela, Johnna, and I are also firming up plans for two weeks in Italy. So things are hopping and spring is coming.

In April Andy and I will have been married 60 years. (Not a mistype) 60 years. I have a feeling a party is on order.  Can we cram anything else into this new year?

Mike is going to see Madeleine tonight and I am sending a big pot of green beans, ham, potatoes and corn.  Also some ribs.  Matt will be good and hungry I am sure.

Fence report:  Still not fixed three weeks later.  Other than that, all is well..  I will not write that too big, I don't want to start anything.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...