Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Winter meal

This is a very satisfying winter dish: green beans, potatoes, corn, a little rice, green onions, and boars head ham slivers simmered to softness in homemade chicken stock. (Ooops, is that a piece of bacon floating in there?  How did that get in there? lol) I am a morning cook.  For some reason I can't get past cooking around 10:00 or earlier. It's like a time clock.  After that, not so much.

It is supposed to warm up today.  We will see about that.  Yesterday when it was so cold Madeleine came to visit ALL DAY.  We were in our element.  Mike and I had such a good time with her.  We played hide-and-seek upstairs where there are so many delicious places to hide. It's like Narnia. She found the bed remotes and sent them cascading up and down until something else caught her eye--frankly, I never realized how high those sleep number beds can go.  I guess that is for breakfast in bed which I have never had in my adult life. I'd rather not, as a matter of fact, because I like to be on foot and healthy.

I would love to make this again...today.  but I may be too lazy. I really enjoy this toasty from The English Kitchen.  I've made them several times and once for Thanksgiving and they disappeared faster than the turkey.

A satisfying winter meal
Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...