Friday, May 8, 2020

Where's the meat?

Andy put in a pick up order from Kroger and when we got it home three meat items were missing. No chuck roast, no chicken tenders, no pork shoulder, I knew this was happening and now it has come to pass. I am getting cranky. The minute I sensed this I should have gone shopping myself. It looks like those darn beans are going to get used anyway. And, Mike's 70 pounds of rice should come in handy. I teased him so much about it he may not give me any. Bella is looking worried; she has chicken every morning and she did not see it coming out of the bag just now. She's pacing the floor.

I used up some vegetables in a gratin today and it hit the spot.  I like to cook when I can get my hands on what I need.  I remember rationing when people hide soap and toilet paper under beds to hand it out only when necessary. The grocer used to save a Hershey bar for me every once in a while.  There were stamps in a rationing book which you had to present to get your staples, yet we were never hungry.  The system worked. I hope that never happens again. Three packing plants went back in business yesterday, so maybe this was just a dusting and we will be back in business soon.  Until then it's beans and rice.

Chin up, we can do this...again.

Note:  I am reading The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyer having finished The Chemist.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...