Sunday, May 4, 2014


There are a lot of changes going on here at Many Branches.  With that comes unearthing pictures of special events of the past and in one case here, the future. Joe, Andy's brother, turned 80 years old a few days ago and his daughters are planning a big family reunion.  Their invitations for the event were clever and memorable.  Here is the one for Joe's party.

As we are redoing the guest apartment Matt found this picture of his father, Mike, at a basketball camp run by the then Ohio State basketball coach Fred Taylor.  Mike is adorable (as usual) and I think the family will enjoy these pictures. (Mike is now 54 years old.)

Speaking of sports:
Andy is in his glory.  His summer class at the Ohio State is filled with athletes.  Something about how to enjoy spectator sports. He could not talk fast enough when he got home.  He is paired with a guy who speaks five languages, none of which include English.  There will be debates, discussions, book reports and fun of the kind Andy so enjoys.  Many OSU football players.

How is this for a look at summer?

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...