Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fall and cooking but not much fun.

If I didn't know it was autumn, I know it now.  Today the pool is closed and Saturday all of the outside furniture will be put away and everything buttoned up for winter. The last ceiling will be finished if promises are kept on Sunday. Pretty soon we will be snug as a bug in a rug.  (Haven't said that in a while.)

I am trying to keep looking on the bright side, but I do not enjoy fall. The house is either too hot or too cold.  So we fool around adjusting things until something breaks.  I am just going to layer up and forget adjustments to the mechanisms.

I do enjoy cooking in the fall.  Love the beef stews, fish chowders, and Zucchini bread.  (Kathy baked some and brought it to us and we ate it mighty quick.) I like cooking in winter too.  It is so comforting. Don't forget pumpkin bread, so moist and delicious.  I had better get into the kitchen and make some of that.

I always liked London and Paris in the fall.  All the shows and flea markets opened up along with the shops after a sweltering summer.  Everyone returned home from vacation and activity was afoot...but Columbus, not so much. All I see here is a rebirth of the traffic jams and wild noisy driving. It seems everything is open again and the traffic proves the point.

So, let's bake and make the most of our time. I need to shut up and get busy.

Poor JD, once again the University of Florida has canceled in-person graduation.  I think JD has given up. Instead, he has selected three different interviews for a job. I am keeping my fingers crossed for him.  What a time we are living in. 2020 is a real disappointment.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...