Friday, August 30, 2019

Hash brown uses

Yesterday I made a new discovery.  I wanted the fish chowder to be a bit thicker so I added something not normally meant for soup.  You know the hash browns at McDonald's?  Well, Trader Joes sells them in the frozen food section and they are delicious and a perfect shape to be used in breakfast casseroles, frittatas, or oven bakes. As my fish soup was simmering I took out several of the frozen oval slabs and put them in the soup...hoping for the best.  I went back five or ten minutes later and they had separated and spread through out the soup themselves looking like grains of rice.  It was a delicious thickening concoction. I also added Sriracha to the fish soup giving it a nice kick along with some Worcestershire and soy sauce. That is why I like autumn cooking.  You can really let yourself go on these dishes and they are very forgiving.

Labor Day came in a rush this year.  I only realized it was nearly here a couple of days ago.  So, our holiday will be a quiet one, a relaxing one.  I hope Madeleine comes to visit to do puzzles with me. She is a hoot.  Some of the things she expresses are so funny coming out of a two-year-old's mouth. Yesterday she and her father were at Trader Joe's and Matt's car would not start.  Matt called his dad for a jump and when Mike got  there Madeleine announced for all to hear "It's broke!"

Our son, David, and his family live on the path of Dorian.  Today is his birthday, so not a nice way to spend it getting ready for a hurricane.

The Girl who lived Twice by David Lagercrantz is a really good read. You have probably read some of his work; The Girl in the Spider's Web...a Lisbeth Salander feature. Well, she's back and mad as ever.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...