Monday, January 29, 2018

Crabs and crab balls

Image may contain: food

These oven-baked crab balls look enticing to me today. There is a good site that posts every day interesting pictures and recipes, but be prepared for the begging of likes and shares and threats if you don't. THAT is annoying and several of us have posted to her about this very thing, but she whines on.
There must be a contest of some sort that I know nothing about. (Recipes and Cooking is the site.)

Yesterday was spring in Ohio and today the gentle snow is falling once again.  This is the time of year when property gets the "out our way" look. It is an expression of despair at the way some people take care of their property. Usually, we do not fall into that category, but this year the leaves got the best of us and it is sad to see. Just wait until the first day that feels like spring in March and watch us come alive again for another glorious season.

On a very different blog manger blog Medoc  (Life in Medoc: Manger) written by Mimi Thorisson about her life and cooking in France.  I love her books though I am not inspired to use her recipes and I enjoy her blog just for the pure, simple comfort of it.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...