Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blueberry Blitz~


 Blueberry cornbread~

There is some sort of blueberry craze going on and it makes me happy.  This, I think, is a little daring, however.  Even so blueberry cornbread appeals to me and I am going to try it.  But, not today.  I have already baked two cakes to take to Joe and Glenda.  We are going down for the week end to play cards and have some fun.  I am happy to escape the hub-bub that will ensue this week end and this coming week here at home.  I have been under the weather for a day or two and there is catching up to do all over the place.  I haven't cooked or eaten for two days, so I need to get cracking (on the cooking, not eating). The Cincinnati Lechlers like to eat and if I come to visit empty handed, well, there is no telling what will happen to me.

I must put a new note in here.  These poke cake recipes are fantastic.  I took the coconut all white cake to Cincinnati.  It was good the first day but the second and third day after the ingredient married, it was simply delicious.  Today I make the chocolate Oreo poke cake and it is really good on day one and I am not sure there will be a day two since I made it for the guys who are redoing the guest apartment. You cannot ruin these poke cakes,  They are error far.

As I have stated on this blog many times Cuisine at home magazine is my favorite.  There are NO ADS.  There are stick in cards for ordering the magazine, but that is it.  What a relief to be able to go through a magazine from start to finish without running into thirty ads at the beginning of the issue and then another one hundred through out the worthless piece  ...well, you get the meaning. 

I will try this recipe before I write it up.   Have a fun week end.
Blueberry slab pie--could do this with any berry.

Andy and I enjoyed a long week end in Cincinnati with the Lechlers.  When we got home the house and grounds were at their best.  Lots of  family workers surprised us with a clean house and much yard work accomplished, with much more to do. We will  have to go away more often.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...