Thursday, November 11, 2021

Up and On

 Mike has put up the wreaths in each front window, their big red ribbons welcoming in the holidays.  I love the look of those eight wreaths and when the porch lights go up I will be a happy woman.  Those tiny lights, double stranded and undulating over the big arched windows look like a ladies' cloche hat from the twenties. It is a marvelous sight.  I am thinking of having a professional photographer come here at Christmas time and record the beauty as seen from Cooke Rd.; as seen each day by the people who drive home from work.  I have had notes in my mailbox saying how much joy it gave them to see that sight after a hard day's work. I think it will be another quiet Christmas here at Many Branches but one of these times we will have a house-full once again and we will all be together to celebrate our lives. We also have baby boy to look forward to this year in December. He will be the cat among the pigeons in that house full of girls. Madeleine is such a good big sister, let's see how she herds that crew when he is on foot.

I know it is early to get decorations started but it is hardly worth doing if it is up just a few days.  It is difficult to get someone to do it now that I cannot climb and hang as I once did. I did about everything here at one time and taught school to boot.  I loved doing it all, but now that ability is gone replaced by caution. Still, I am a happy woman and have my books and games and the computer to keep me alert.  I still have good ideas, finding someone to carry them out...that's another matter.  Everyone works here at Many Branches and that's a good thing.

Grab your boxes and get your things up early.  It is worth it.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...